
"You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head"-Sorting Hat, J.K. Rowling

About Me

Former Campaign Manager - turned homemaker - and now learning coding.

Constantly have to deal with messy dishes, fussy little eater and sleepless nights, I find solace when I am being transport to a wonderland of pandas, seaborns, creating beautiful visualizations using text data.

Intrigued by how data can be transformed, the purpose of this page is to document my data science journey and progress after completion of this 30 days data science bootcamp.

Say hi on Linkedin@Jesslyn Tan



Documenting my learning progress on data science.

Trip Advisor Sentiment Analysis

Applying wordclouds and NLTK(Natural Language Toolkit), to gain insights on what are the most frequent words used each rating given and the sentiments of the reviews.

Click here for the notebook

Social Ads Forecasting

Which social ads platform that you would invest in if you are given an allocation of RM100k advertising budget? This project gives insights on which social media platform generates higher revenue to the company.

Click here for the notebook

Telco Churn Analytics

Customer retention in a telco company is an uphill battle. In this dataset, we analyze and investigates what are the variables that make the customers' churn by using heatmap and also decision tree.

Click here for the notebook

Hr Dataset - Google Data Studio Presentation

To understand the employee turnover in the organization, we use the Google Data Studio to present our findings.

Click here for the notebook

E-Commerce Women Clothing Reviews

To gain insights on what are the positive reviews with negative sentiments and vice versa.

Click here for the notebook
